FMI Drop-in Kit Selector

Program ini di khususkan Untuk Drop-in Friendly match, sering kali main di drop-in tapi . . .

FMI Patch v6.0 Untuk FIFA 16

Indonesia Super Liga with 18 Club (ID Hyundai A-League) 4 Club Relegate to Divisi . . .

Spesifikasi minimal PC untuk FIFA 16

Beberapa fitur menarik telah disiapkan Electronic Arts (EA) dalam game sepak bola . . .

Cara ganti Splash Screen dan Background di FIFA 15

Sebenarnya cara ini sebelumnya sudah saya share/bagikan untuk FIFA 14 yang tidak jauh . . .


Tidak terlalu jauh berbeda dari versi sebelumnya, FMI v.4.2 hadir dengan tampilan mirip dengan . . >>


Setelah sekian lama pengerjaan dan pengetesan dengan menyita banyak waktu, tenaga dan . . .

Tutorial cara membuat Face untuk pemula di FIFA 15 by FMI

Video ini dibuat sesimpel mungkin di khususkan bagi pemula, dalama video ini juga terdapat . . >>

FIFA 14 Missing Minifaces Update by kokasolo [21.01]

How To Install : copy .dds files in Game/data/ui/imgAssets/heads and regenerate
Or : copy .dds files in Game/FMI_ISL_v4/data/ui/imgAssets/heads



Kesalahan Nama "Inter Island Clup" jadi "Inter Island Cup"
wipe3d untuk Int. Friendly,
wipe3d untuk AFC WC Qualifications.
Face Christian Gonzalez (Arema)

Cara Install : Tinggal extract file "Face C Gonzalez.rar" lalu eksekusi file "Patch ISL v4.0 Update1.exe & Face C Gonzalez.exe" dan ikuti petunjuk lalu Play.

Update ini Tidak akan berpengaruh ke carrer...!!!

Jika ternyata patch ISL menjadi crash atau tidak bisa melanjutkan carrer setelah Install update ini tinggal hapus folder "loc" yg ada di "FIFA 14\Game\FMI_ISL_v4" dan rename folder "dlc - copy" menjadi "dlc".

Untuk yg masih bingung kenapa patch ISL nya g work :

Coba pakai cara berikut, namun kekurangan nya adalah dalam FIFA 14 anda hanya akan terdapat satu patch yaitu Patch ISL. dg kata lain FIFA 14 anda tidak akan multi patch.

Cara Install 2 :
Download file patch, 

Patch ISL v4.0.7z.001
Patch ISL v4.0.7z.002
Patch ISL v4.0.7z.003
Patch ISL v4.0.7z.004

Simpan dlm satu folder, sebelumnya anda harus punya program "7-Zip". klik kanan "Patch ISL v4.0.7z.001" lalu pilih 7-Zip - Extract Here dan nanti akan ada file "Patch ISL v4.0.exe"
Lalu Klik kanan file "Patch ISL v4.0.exe" dan pilih 7-Zip - Extract to "Patch ISL v4.0\" dan masukan password jika diminta "fifamodderindo". dan hasilnya akan ada folder "Patch ISL v4.0"
Lalu Copas Semua folder yg ada di "Patch ISL v4.0\Game\FMI_ISL_v4" ke folder "FIFA 14\Game" milik anda
Lalu Regenerate

Play & Enjoy….. Lalu Load Profil yg saya buat, pilih customize – edit team – reset all squads – lalu Ok… agar chant nya berfungsi dan bisa bermain Carrer.


Yap, akhirnya tiba juga di v4.0 yg merupakan Patch ISL & TIMNAS Indo untuk FIFA 14 "AIO".


Club added:
- 22 tim ISL 2014
- 12 Timnas Asia
- 18 tim Liga Jepang
- 1 tim liga china

On Carrer Mode added:
- ISL dg format dan jadwal mirip Aslinya
- IIC dg format dan jadwal mirip Aslinya, mulai di Januari tahun 2014
- AFC CL, 16 club asia ikut berpartisipasi mulai di september tahun 2014
- FIFA Club World Cup
- Liga Jepang
- Emperor's Cup
- AFC Asian Cup, 15 Timnas Asia yg ikut berpartisipasi mulai di Juli tahun 2015
- Tambahan Timnas di Worldcup Qulification Asia

Sound :
Chant saya ambil dr yg FIFA 13 dan Patch ISL sebelumnya.

Grafik Edited:
Splash Screen
Boot Flow
FIFA Background &
Wipe 3d

Untuk semua yg dirasa kurang akan ada di Update1 dst.. (Sepeti Kit, miniface, chant, database, adboard  dll.)

Link Download Patch: Part1Part2Part3Part4

Tolong baca dulu deskripsi postingan dengan teliti sebelum melontarkan pertanyaan..!!


All Kit on patch : Irvanlana Miljan VikingPersib
Mini Face : Muhamad Iksal, Irvanlana Miljan VikingPersib, Fendi doank
Banner : Indonesian Pes Community (Rizki_2f, Irvanlana dkk), Fendi doank
All rest : Fendi doank

Data dll :
Huda Kautsar Amin
Anugerah Cahaya Utama
Azman Jhon Kapak
Fe'Boy Juan Oktavian
Tian Kadarisman
Muhammad Aditya
Maaf jika ada nama yg tidak kesebut padahal udah merasa membantu dlm pembuatan patch..

Thanks buat semua member yg ada di group :

Special thank to :
1. Rinaldo
2. Jenkey1002
3. Luca Iardella (iard68) alias ilGigione
4. Josue LMM
5. Fifa-infinity &
6. Moddingway

1. Extract file yg sudah di download lalu Eksekusi "Patch ISL v4.0.exe" dan ikutu petunjuk, jika diminta password masukan fifamodderindo
2. Play & Enjoy.

1. Untuk file& folder Chant, silahkan ambil dari yg v3. Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 (Lalu Extract dan simpan folder chant di My Music) & Tambahan Disini
2. Untuk yg sudah punya chant tidak usah download lagi, hanya download tambahananya.
3. Untuk yg tambahan tinggal eksekusi file "chant.exe" & ikuti petunjuk.
4. Dowload file "FIFA 14 Profil" Disini
5. Extract dan simpan file "Settings 20140115122738#ISL v4 by FMI" di "My Documents\FIFA 14"
6. Play dan load Profil "ISL v4 by FMI" yg sudah saya buat.. Enjoy.
7. Jika tidak berhasil dengan cara yg saya berikan silahkan baca disini cara mengganti lagu dan chant di FIFA 14.

Tolong baca dulu deskripsi postingan dengan teliti sebelum melontarkan pertanyaan..!!

Untuk yg masih bingung kenapa patch ISL nya g work :

Coba pakai cara berikut, namun kekurangan nya adalah dalam FIFA 14 anda hanya akan terdapat satu patch yaitu Patch ISL. dg kata lain FIFA 14 anda tidak akan multi patch.

Cara Install 2 :
Download file patch, 

Patch ISL v4.0.7z.001
Patch ISL v4.0.7z.002
Patch ISL v4.0.7z.003
Patch ISL v4.0.7z.004

Simpan dlm satu folder, sebelumnya anda harus punya program "7-Zip". klik kanan "Patch ISL v4.0.7z.001" lalu pilih 7-Zip - Extract Here dan nanti akan ada file "Patch ISL v4.0.exe"
Lalu Klik kanan file "Patch ISL v4.0.exe" dan pilih 7-Zip - Extract to "Patch ISL v4.0\" dan masukan password jika diminta "fifamodderindo". dan hasilnya akan ada folder "Patch ISL v4.0"
Lalu Copas Semua folder yg ada di "Patch ISL v4.0\Game\FMI_ISL_v4" ke folder "FIFA 14\Game" milik anda
Lalu Regenerate

Play & Enjoy….. Lalu Load Profil yg saya buat, pilih customize – edit team – reset all squads – lalu Ok… agar chant nya berfungsi dan bisa bermain Carrer.


Untuk yg masih blm berhasil membuat face di FIFA 14, semoga ini bisa membantu

-----Facegen Created By Josue_LMM------

Installation of model set
-You need to have Facegen...
-Copy the "csamFIFA 14 - Faces - JosueLMM" folder into "C: Program Files(x86)Singular InversionsFaceGen Modeller 3.1"
-Open Facegen Modeller
-Go to ModelChange Model Set
-In New Model Set, select "FIFA 14 Faces by Josue_LMM"
- FaceGen Modeller --->
- Complements Files of FIFA 14 ----->
- Cyber Faces Converter Facegen versión for FIFA 12 and Fifa 14 CFC Head Converter --->
- Others Tutorials -----------
- Video of Tutorial ----> 
- Video of Tutorial ---->

Cara mengganti Lagu di FIFA 14

Bosen dg lagu yg ada di FIFA 14, dan anda ingin menggantinya dengan lagu favorit anda sendiri. inilah caranya.

Untuk bahannya cuman siapin music kesukaan dg format ".mp3", lalu copy dulu deh ke "Documents\Music" ato engga juga gpp hanya buat contohnya saya pake music yg ada di My Music. Lalu buka WMP (Windows Media Player) Bawaan Windows.
Lalu di dalam game masuk ke "Customize - Custom music & Chant"

Pilih "MY FIFA 14 - Arena & Menus" lalu pilih "music saya" yg td kita buat klo tidak ada tekan "R2" di stik, atw "E" di keyboard. lihat gambar..

Kalo sudah keluar dan dengarkan. Selesai.  Enjoy....!!

Cara ini bisa juga di gunakan untuk mengganti Chant dll


Ini adalah patch v4 beta1 yg artinya msh banyak kekurangan, adapun kekurangan nya sbb:
1. Data pemain masih blm fix,
2. Kit blm yg terbaru & sebagian tim ISL memakai kit Tim lain (dr Eropa),
3. Chant blm di setting,
4. Sytem Turnamen IIC blm Fix,
5. Blm saya test secara keseluruhan.

Feature :
1. Jumlah Tim ISL sudah 22,
2. System liga sudah berdasarkan system ISL yg asli,
3. Copa Indonesia diganti dengan IIC,
4. AFC CL added,
5. Tambahan Timnas di Qualifikasi Piala Dunia Asia,
6. Konfederasi Indonesia Sudah di Asia,
7. AFC Asian Cup added,
8. 12 Timnas Asia added,
9. Japan League 1 added,
10. Emperor's Cup added.
Link Download :
Cara Install :
- Tinggal eksekusi file "ISL v4 beta.exe" dan ikuti petunjuknya.
- Jika sudah selesai, untuk memainkan silahkan klik "FIFA 14 ISL v4.exe" yg ada di folder "FIFA 14\Game"
- Play n Enjoy, Buat profil baru dan carrer baru

Note : Patch ini tidak akan berpengaruh kpd patch-patch yg lain seperti moddingway, Patch ISL v3, dll

Cara UnInstall :
- Hapus folder "Fifa14mod" dan file "Fifa14mod.ini" yang ada di folder "FIFA 14\Game". Selesai

Bagi anda yg sudah pakai dan menemukan kekurangan silahkan komen. kecuali yg sudah saya jelaskan di atas.

v4 Beta2 ataupun Final version akan rilis secepatnya..

Cara mengganti Background di FIFA 14

Software :

2. Photoshop

Bahan :

1. Foto/gambar yg akan dijadikan Background dengan ukuran 1280x768 pixel

Langkah kerja :
1. Buka photoshop, dan edit Foto/gambar yg akan dijadikan Background sehingga gambar tersebut terpecah menjadi 6 bagian, dengan ukuran :
a. 256x256

b. 512x256

c. 512x256

d. 256x215

e. 512x512
f. 512x512

2. Untuk caranya kayaknya udah pada mahir kalo make photoshop, hehehe.. Contoh gambar yg udah di pecah download disini.
3. Buka program “FIFA File Explorer 2014 v1.0.3.0 Jenkey1002
4. Open file “backgroundfifa.big

5. Jika sudah simpan file “backgroundfifa.big” di Folder missal “D:\FIFA 14\Game\data\ui\game\background”
6. Regenerate
7. Play & Enjoy.. Good luck

Cara ini bisa juga di praktekan untuk mengganti "backgroundcareer.big" yaitu background untuk carrer dan "backgroundbootflow.big" untuk background pas milih bahasa dan booting. 

[MES] Happy New Year Splash Screen MegaPack

Contents (53 Splash Screens):
- 2 Cristiano Ronaldo Splash Screens
- 2 Messi Splash Screens
- 2 Ribéry Splash Screens
- 2 Eden Hazard Splash Screens
- 1 Ben Arfa Splash Screen
- 1 Thiago Splash Screen
- 2 Tévez Splash Screens
- 2 Lewandowski Splash Screens
- 3 Ibrahimovic Splash Screens
- 1 David Silva Splash Screens
- 2 Özil Splash Screens
- 3 Gareth Bale Splash Screens
- 2 Modric Splash Screens
- 3 Falcao Splash Screens
- 2 David Luiz Splash Screens
- 2 Hulk Splash Screens
- 2 Balotelli Splash Screens
- 2 Agüero Splash Screens
- 1 Neuer Splash Screen
- 4 Neymar Splash Screens
- 2 Nasri Splash Screens
- 1 Götze Splash Screen
- 3 Van Persie Splash Screens
- 2 Rooney Splash Screens
- 3 Van der Vaart Splash Screens
- 1 Rodrigo Splash Screen

Link Download :
By MES Blog

Creation Master (CM) 14.3

In order to run CM 14 you need to have installed the .NET Framework 4,0. and the Managed Version of Direct X  Download them from the Microsoft site. CM 14 works automatically with a "regular" installation of FIFA 14. If you do not have a "regular" installation try to use Open - Select All.

Creation Master 14

GUI based Editor for FIFA 14
 A FIFA Master project

WARNING! – Editing FIFA 14 could damage your installation of FIFA 14. It is strongly recommended that you make back-up of your FIFA 14 files before to start editing.

UG Content Import – New feature

In the main menu you can find “UG Content” with two submenus: “Import DB Only” “Import DB and Kits” and “Import KITS only”. Before to use this feature you have to download from the Creation Center of EA Sports a team or a league. It is saved as a file in your “Document\FIFA 14” folder with a name UG.. something.

Click UG Content – Import DB and KITS, select the UG file and just wait. It takes some time to create all the kits but at the end you will see the content of the UG file importent in your database.

If you want just to take a quick look, select “Import DB only”, it is much faster and you can later “import KITS only” or just exit without saving.

Player Overall Tuning – New Feature

Often UG content are not very well tuned, for example all the players could be overestimated. There is a new feature that allows you to increase or decrease the skills of all the players of a team (in the Team Form) or all the players of a league. (In the League Form)

Switch League Ids – New Feature

Using a patch of the file “managermodeseasonobjectivemanager.lua” it is now possible to play a league with any id in career mode. Doing in this way there is a limitation in the assignment of objectives. Instead of using the patch, you can switch the ids of your new league with the id of one of the leagues originally present in the game. For example I have created the new Greek League and I want to play it instead of Airtricity League. Select Super League in the League form, in the box “Switch League Id” select Airtricity League and then click the big button with the two arrows.

Tournament Form – New Feature

This is the major news of CM14 and it is quite complex. I will drive you through the main features with an example: I suppose to have already created a new league for Greece and now we are going to edit the tournament structure.

Create Greece Country in the tournament structure
First select UEFA and then click “Add Nation” button
Select the Database Country “Greece”
Change the 4 chars name to “GREE”

Set weather
Select Portugal and click the “Copy Weather Button”
Select Greece and click the “Paste Weather Button”

Add the league trophy
Select “Eredivisie” and click the “Copy Trophy button”
Select back Greece, in the combo Box select “Super League” as the target league then click the the “Paste Trophy Button”
now we have to adjust some data manually:
in the Trophy Structure page entry Short and Long Name
in the Trophy Ranking Table page select the initial teams

In the Trophy Graphics page
we can skip this for the moment and load the graphics later. FIFA 14 will provide default graphics instead.

Add the National Cup
We can repeat the same steps we did for adding the league trophy for adding the national cup trophy, just select the national cup from Holland and do the same steps

How to Activate a National Team – New Feature

In order to add a National Team in career mode you have, of course, to create the team and then do the next 4 steps:
1.      In country form activate the team as the national team of a country and specify the targets for World Cup and Continental Cup.
2.      In League form you have to add the team to the list of National Teams, take note of the total number of national teams because you need this for the next step
3.      In Competition form, select the International Friendly, go down to the group and select the correct number of teams.
4.      Last but not least you have to modify the International Competitions so that the new team appears as a participant. In this case I cannot give you detailed instructions because it depends from the confederation. As an example you can add your team to G3 of European qualifications.
 I tested and it works so... good luck!

Audio Form – New Feature

In FIFA 14 it is not possible yet to add or remove audio associated to a player but we can work a little bit with the existing samples just modifying the database. A player can have an audio if:
1. the audio is associated with the player-id (specific audio)
2. the audio is associated with the common-name or the surname of the player (generic audio)
The only way to activate the first kind of audio is to change the player-id, at the moment is not possible to use a specific audio for more than one player.
Instead the generic audio is controlled by a table in the database (playernames) that associates with each name an identifier of the sound as a number in the range 900.000-965.000. CM 14 allows to modify this association.
In the database there is another table (commentarynames) that works like a kind of name dictionary, the fact that a name is listed in this table actually does not affect the possibility to hear the audio but it is very useful for having a list of the potential names available in the game. Unfortunately the fact that a name is in this table doesn't mean that the sound is audible, it depends from the commentary language you are listening. On the opposite it could happen that a sound is present in the commentary but not listed in the commentarytable :-) The only way to know if an audio is present in your commentary is to play a game and listen to the commentary, if the name is called or not. When you know that a name is called you can use it for more players.
Let’s do an example, in Italian commentary the name Cesar, associated with 921615, is audible, instead the name César associated with 921616 is not audible. I can select a player called César and associate to it the sound 921615, now all the players with name César will have a commentary in game.
Let’s do another example: in the name dictionary there is the name Zalayeta associated with the id 46847, I have added a patch of Liga Uruguaya including a player called Zalayeta but with a player-id of 200198. Changing the player id of this player to 46847 the commentary is audible in game.

FAQs and Notes

When using Open - FIFA 14 the program crashes or it appears the message “fifa.fat not found”
Probably you do not have a regular installation of FIFA 14, try using Open - Select All
Can CM14 open XBOX files ?
CM 14 is for editing PC version, XBOX is not supported.
When using CM14 I cannot see players or team previously modified with FIFA 14 internal editor. Why?
Editing with CM 14 and in-game editing are incompatible. This is not a bug, it is the way FIFA 14 works. When you start to edit with CM14 you should remove squad files from the folder Document\FIFA 14. You can make in-game editing on a version of FIFA modified with CM14 but, if you use CM14 again, you are going to lose all your in-game editing.
Can I import files from previous FIFA versions, like head models or textures ?
No. Rx3 file format in FIFA 14 is different, therefore you cannot import directly any Rx3 file from FIFA 13 like 3D model or textures. You can instead import bitmaps.

I change the order of the bench players and save but, when I reopen, the order is not saved.
In the database all the bench players have the same description, there is no way to discriminate the order in the bench.

Some boots and some balls do not have a name but appear as a generic Shoes n. X or Ball n. Y.
Those are shoes (or balls) present in the game but not described by a string in the language database. You can add it.
Why can I only work with the default squads and not the updated ones?
CM modifies the default database of FIFA so every time you create your own squad file or download a squad update from EA, the game will use it instead of the default database and you cannot see your changes in game.
More: every time you modify the default database all the files created with a previous database become unusable and the game ask you if you want to delete

Which files I need to backup for my edited data to remain?
CM14 works with the files in these folders:

Creation Master 14 (CM14) is freeware and is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied warranty. In no event will the author(s) be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

Thanks to all the Beta Testers. 


Version 14.2:
Only one competition stadium is saved instead of the full list.
The stage from which to keep the points was missed in the competition interface (see Belgium League)
The “use international friendly dates” option was missed in the competition interface
CM may crash when deleting a nation in competition form.
Changes to weather of a stadium are applied only for night games and not for day games.
Added the possibility to edit short name and abbreviation for countries.

Version 14.1:
Crash when assigning a stadium in the competition page
Ball assigned to competition is not saved in the database.
Assigning flags to a team with id < 100000 causes in-game crash
Creating a team without players caused its id to be decreased of one when saved.
Added the player audio editing
In the Country form, added the possibility to edit the target of the national team for world cup and continental cup (saved in internationals.txt file)
In the Newspaper form: added the editing of the “news sponsor” logo.
In the Stadium Form: added the editing of police texture.
Added the Manager Form with the editing of manager textures

Version 14.0: First release
The FIFA 14 tournament systems has some limitations:
In order to play in career a new league, you must assign to the new league the id of one if the original leagues. There is some activity in the Community in order to find a workaround for this problem.
The number of entries in the compeobj.txt file is limited to a number in the range 1760-1780 the actual value is not known. When you reach this limit the game crashes at the beginning of a new career. The only way to avoid this, at the moment, is to reduce the number of competitions.
Also the schedule.txt has a limitation that is around 5000 entries.
If a Country is not in the scout.ini file (in the Game\dlc\dlc_FootballCompEng\dlc\FootballCompEng\data folder) you cannot play a league in that Country. This is the case for example of Ukraine. The file must be edited manually.
Other files the same folder that may require manual editing are:
·         transfers.ini
·         transfer.ini
 Crash before that the progress bar is showing: some memory limit has been achieved, for example, too many compobjs
Crash when the progress bar is about 70%: some problem with national competitions, like for example league or domestic cup.
Crash when the progress bar is about 90%: some problem with international competitions, like for example Champions League or Europa League.
Crash when approaching an international weekend: some problems with the national teams, for example incorrect number of national teams declared in international friendly matches.

Link Download :